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Make a difference in the lives of Oaxacan children and families today.

Oaxaca, Mexico


We’ve been traveling to Oaxaca since 2019. After visiting the city with a friend and Oaxacan native, Dana knew her mission was to help the children of Oaxaca. Many children are stolen, sold, or abused in Oaxaca.

Since 2019, we have created ties with churches and an orphanage located ~30 minutes outside of the city centre of Oaxaca. The orphanage, Ciudad de los Niños, helps children who have been abandoned or whose parents are unable to care for them. We have helped them to finance the rebuild of their dormitory, build a well, and facilitated the donation of money to finance their every day expenses.

We pray for people we meet on the street, giving them little wooden crosses and Bibles. We try to instill the word of God into every person we meet.

We regularly hold ‘faith sales’ (like a garage sale) of the random household items donated to us by the Santa Barbara community. We ask people to pay for items with what they feel they are worth and have faith they will see the value of their money as helping children and families in need. Every dollar from our faith sales goes to Oaxaca and our community outreach.

We go to Oaxaca often and stay updated with the status of the orphanage and our friends in the community.